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Skate 2: Now Featuring Force Push

This is what happens when physics go crazy in Skate 2. The game turns into the Force Unleashed!



Skate 2: Time is Money

Skate 2 is scheduled for release on January 22, 2009...yes, that's today. I woke up this morning to see that there is already some DLC for the game and it's called "Time is Money Pack". This DLC pack will set you back 400MS points and all it does is unlock everything that you can unlock by just playing through the game, thus the name. I thought that EA may have stopped with this crap after the NFS games and The Godfather debacle, but it seems that they still want to charge you for your laziness. I guess I can't really be too upset with them, it's not like they are forcing anyone to buy the pack. Touché EA.


Reaper Returns

One of my favorite new shows last year was Reaper, but no one watched it and essentially the Reaper died (is that possible?). There have been rumors that the show may return mid-season if there was room and I'm happy to say that Reaper will return on March 17th (which is a Tuesday)! I'm glad that the show is being given a second chance and I really hope people actually take the time to watch it, or it will just end up dying once again.

If you're not quite sold on the show, or the idea behind the show...look below and tell me that's not awesome!



SMT: Persona 4 - True Ending

I recently got around to finishing the game earlier today and it was nothing short of amazing. This video is really only for those of you who managed to get the true ending yourself...unless you don't mind spoiling the hell out of yourself. Back to the point...below is the true ending to one of the best games I've ever played. Persona 4 is the best game of 2008 without a doubt for moi.



It's Always Sunny When You're a Hobo

Yet another clip from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I can't help myself and the fact that I've become borderline obsessed with the show recently. Here is another clip that I personally find hilarious. This clip may not work in a few weeks due to Hulu taking down a majority of the episodes, but there's always hope eh?