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Ghost Recon Wildlands: Part 02 - There's No News Like Nothing New | Attack the Backlog

My journey taking on drug cartels as part of an elite special forces group in the beautiful country of Bolivia continues with part two of Attack the Backlog, Ghost Recon Wildlands edition. While I wasn't able to play as much as I would have liked since the last episode, I still got in some additional time with the game and, so far, it's all been business as usual, for better or worse. The real question now is, will next week be the last week, or will I see the light and be in for the long haul, one cartel boss at a time?

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Breaking Houses and Flipping Roads | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc starts things off this week talking about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth underperforming and haircuts, before getting to what they've been playing with House Flipper 2, Broken Roads, Goons: Legends & Mayhem, Outer Terror, Bunhouse, and One Last Breath. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Ghost Recon Wildlands: Part 01 - YOLO, So Best Not Play SOLO | Attack the Backlog

This episode sees the return of Attack the Backlog, now in its new (and improved?) form. What was once more of a review(ish) show is now more of a Game Club(ish) show, moving from biweekly to weekly, where you can choose to play along with me, or just go along for the ride next to me, figuratively speaking, of course. But don't get too down because the old Attack the Backlog format will still exist once my time with a game is done--whether I finish it or decide I'm finished with it--as a cap to my journey with whatever game I'm playing at the time, so if all you want to hear are my final thoughts, you'll still have that option. That said, this here episode is all about my initial return to Ghost Recon Wildlands and how I maybe shot myself in the foot with this one, but I'll let the episode do the talking for me.

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What Else Can You Call Me Liking Minesweeper Other Than a Revolution? | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc starts things off this week talking about you don't want to know--seriously, YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW--before getting to what they've been playing with Let's! Revolution!, Ruff Ghanor, Grandia HD Collection, Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator, 7Days Heroes, Flightpath: Adventures in Venaris, SokoFrog, and Knowledge Keeper. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Garden Life: A Kinda Cozy Simulator | The Pixelated Sausage Show

Marc starts things off this week talking about candy bars for some reason and the annoyances of video game exceptions, before getting to what they've been playing with Contra: Operation Galuga, Ario, Tamarak Trail, Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator, Manic Mechanics, and Stunt Paradise. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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